APR Seguros
20 years taking care of business and people
About us
In the market for over 20 years, APR Seguros stands out for maintaining a long-term and trusting relationship with its customers.
Our differential is the search and delivery of a personalized solution combined with technology to ensure efficiency, agility and quality.
We have senior professionals by insurance specialty with experience in serving the most diverse industries. We work in partnership with the main insurance companies in the market and offer the best insurance solutions suited to the culture and needs of our customers.

Serve with intelligence, developing and implementing innovative solutions suited to each client’s business model.
To be recognized by clients and the insurance market for the quality in the provision of our services with a focus on risk management and mitigation.
Transparency: Our non-negotiable value! We act with transparency as a value associated with the ethics and honesty of our actions towards our employees and customers.
Excellence: We are impeccable in what we do! We create a culture of continuous improvement in deliveries to our customers. We understand that generating recurring income is what permeates the long-term relationship between consultant and client.
Innovation: We are open to doing better every day! We seek the best market practices for differentiated delivery, integrating technology to ensure efficiency, agility and quality in processes.
Safety: Nothing is more important! It is our duty to provide security to our customers’ operations, allowing business continuity and mitigating financial losses.
Governance: We assure our clients of their best interests! We operate with effective corporate governance procedures to strengthen the organization, aligned with the interests of shareholders and customers
Our infrastructure

20 years of history
Starts partnership with Banco Pine and strategic partnerships with the main insurance companies in the market
Starts its activities and acquires Controlseg, a brokerage with over 10 years of expertise
26% growth in commercial areas and call center
30% growth in the benefits and property area
Acquired by Holding Brasil Insurance
Partnership with Vetop Internacional based in Barcelona/Spain
Reacquired from BR Insurance by the founding partners. Consolidation as an independent broker.
Spin-off of the benefits operation for the sale of control to the D'OR Consultoria network
APR starts to dedicate itself exclusively to the Corporate Risks area
Repositioning of APR Seguros in the national and international insurance market with the entry of new partners