
Our products

Fleet Auto Insurance


The Fleet Car Insurance aims to protect the vehicle, whether owned by the company, its partners, employees and aggregates who use their vehicles for commercial purposes, protecting their assets against damage caused by Collision, Fire, Theft / Theft and even Nature damage. It also includes financial protection against damage to third-party property and personal injury to people who may be injured in a collision with vehicles covered by your policy.

In Auto Fleet Tracking, we work together with the Insured, seeking the best coverage solution and offering the most current on the market such as Traditional conditions, “Stop Loss”, “Blanket”, Trigger and even Managed Policies, seeking the financial result and the health of your fleet’s claims.

We work with Optional Civil Liability policies – Vehicles, with coverage that can be divided between Insurers, expanding the coverage of your fleet with 2nd, 3rd, 4th and even 5th Risk policies, reaching up to 15 million per vehicle, meeting the needs of customers such as Great Carriers.

In addition to differentiated products, Services such as 24-hour assistance, damage to windows and spare car can be customized, according to the type of fleet use and profile of the company’s activity.

Consult us without commitment and see if your company is well supported in its coverage, as well as the possibility of readjustment in costs, with policies in the main insurance companies in the market.

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Customers served
Customers served
Issued policies
Issued policies
Awards issued
R$ 1,9B
Awards issued
Multinational customers
Multinational customers

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